Thank you!  Thank you to our subscribers for your feedback and help!

We have these great ideas for helping MSPs transition into (real) CIOs for their clients – linking business goals to IT initiatives, leading organizations through digitization projects such as automating business processes, streamlining their software and getting their poeople aligned, helping them migrate software platforms and abiove all, helping their people use their IT tools to achieve the outcomes they need.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!

Our partners have told us that tools are dooing a great job of creating roadmaps for their clients.  Our new QBR module then helps them keep on track until the next roadmap is due.

Knowing that’s working so well is a great encouragement and knowing it’s important work to help our partenrs find out, and deliver,  what their clients really need is super cool. 

getKambium is currently working through the ConnectWise PitchIT program (thansk ConnectWise) and we’ve commited to a stand at their IT Nation Conference  in November.  We’re taking what we’ve learned from their program, and the feedback from our partners, and completly changed our pitch message as a result, 

We still have the same vision to empower MSPs to help their client’s succeed.  What we’ve learned is a better way of expressing how we help with that.

Thank you!