So many milestones!
Milestones come from the Appian Way in Rome, which tells us two things: 1. Milestones have been around for a while now 2. There was a time when there weren't milestones I can't imagine how people tracked anything before that. That's probably the point of course, and...
Ready, Set, Go!!
Test launch done! Success! We're away. Thank you to the team at ConnectWise and IT Nation in Australia. The Gold Coast event was incredible for us. Clearly there are many MSPs that share common challenges Their sales engagement processes are manual, which means they...
Reframing our pitch
Thank you! Thank you to our subscribers for your feedback and help! We have these great ideas for helping MSPs transition into (real) CIOs for their clients - linking business goals to IT initiatives, leading organizations through digitization projects such as...
Are you ready to getKambium? (Or is getKambium right for you?)
Not all MSPs should getKambium. getKambium is ONLY right for those MSPs that are thinking about the future and want to be more strategically aligned to their clients. We know that not all MSPs are on the same page. They are still busy enough supporting users,...
I’m SO immensely grateful! THANK YOU!
It is surprisingly hard to say more with less. Nevertheless, it simply has to be done. Trying to get the key value proposition down to a 5-10 second message takes weeks! Specifically pretty much all of the last month. Clearly we will keep developing it. We're...
Making the most of Quarterly Business Reviews – easier AND more effective
As MSPs, we know the value of a QBR with a client - a formal meeting that help you show value to your client, cements your relationship and confirms a plan of action. Unfortunately, despite the best will in the world, often the reality is somewhat different. If you...
Trying to get the right words
We're now trying to find the words to explain what we do and the value we add - it's hard becuase we're introducing an idea that people intuitively understand to some extent, but to another extent, they hear some of the words and misintrepret our proposition as...
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
The image of a chequered flag is a bit hopeful as we are far from finished. But let's celebrate the first step - MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT - done. "Discover" module - done - free & premium! "Manage" module, done! Subscription Manager - done! What a sprint! We've...
Good days and bad days
Thank heavens we're still not live yet. This has been a week! Firstly, changes in the Azure tools meant our old prototype platform had to be shut down, so we had a rush to move the last subscribers over to the new platform. It was a job we had to do anyway, but our...
Coming ready or not!
Deep breathe. dive straight in to the water. Butterflies in the stomach!! When is it good to tell people about our GetKambium project? We know software is never finished, but in our case we;'ve barely started and now we've got people logging in and starting to...